About Us
North East Texas Homeless Consortium is an opportunity for agencies of all kinds to share their unique resources and/or services for people experiencing homelessness with fellow community members. It also provides you with the space to learn about what other organizations have to offer and how you can work together to best serve people. Participate in this community-wide effort to end homelessness with us!
Mayor’s Task Force on Homelessness
In March of 2017, Longview Mayor Andy Mack put together a team of local service organizations called the Mayor’s Task Force on Homelessness. In general, the team members consisted of groups and individuals that have assisted in serving the homeless populations over the years in many ways. The Mayor wanted a centralized group to come together and share their experiences and needs in serving this vulnerable population and to gather information about what more is needed to serve the homeless. Mayor Mack felt that it was a moral obligation to offer additional support and explore ways to collectively address the areas homeless. The members of the task force placed initial efforts in four areas of focus: situational homelessness, sheltered homelessness, unsheltered homelessness, and chronic unsheltered homelessness.
Initial outcomes determined by the task force included service fairs – a way to offer centralized services and information and also explore options for additional personnel which initiated a plan to explore securing a Volunteer in Service to American (VISTA) through the office of Texas Homeless Network. This led to the ongoing partnership with the Northeast Texas Homeless Network and the City of Longview which will offer sustainability to the mission.
The North East Texas Homeless Consortium is to network with agencies and individuals to communicate the needs and concerns of the homeless, collaborate with agencies to create the most effective means of meeting those needs, and connect the homeless with the appropriate services in the Service Area.
Monthly Meetings (2nd Monday of each month)
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, monthly NET Consortium meetings will be held by video/teleconference.
- 11:30 am – 1:00 pm at the Community Connections Library, 501 Pine Tree Rd Longview Texas
- Coordinated Entry immediately after each monthly meeting
Program Schedule
- October 10,2022- Community Healthcore
- November 14 2022 TBA
- December 11,2022- TBA
Coordinated Entry
Coordinated Entry is the gateway to information about emergency shelter services and housing support services across the Northeast Texas area. The local Coordinated Entry System focuses specifically on homeless families/individuals by providing coordinated access to services from a network of homeless providers/agencies. With this process, families save valuable time and eliminates the need to make unnecessary phone calls to multiple shelters and agencies.
The system strives to assist families to not only obtain permanent housing but to be in the position to sustain their housing through linkages of services.
Coordinated Entry Sites
City of Longview Housing Authority
1202 N. Sixth St, Longview, TX 75601
Monday – Friday. 8am – 5pm (Closed for lunch 12:30-1:30pm).
Call or Email lha@longviewtexas.gov for appointments.
East Texas Veterans Resource Center
501 Pine Tree Rd, Office G-4, Longview, TX 75604
By appointment only.
The North East Texas Homeless Consortium annual homeless count will be conducted on January 28,2021. Homeless service agencies, faith-based organizations and other local groups dedicated to ending homelessness in East Texas, use this information to develop better ways to help break the cycle of homelessness. Also, due to COVID-19 restrictions in place. The Texas Balance of State COC agreed to fully opt-out of conducting and reporting the 2021 unsheltered (Observation) count based on updated guidance from HUD. The PIT count will include only those individuals who are sheltered, not the unsheltered, This means the PIT data will only represent a fraction of the homeless population in the community.
For information and statistics, please contact the Texas Homeless Network.
Volunteer for Point-In-Time
News & Updates
- 2021 PIT Results
Texas Homeless Network
City of Longview Community Development
City of Longview Longview Housing Authority
East Texas Veterans Resource Center or Help for Vets
Rapid Rehousing
Coordinated Entry
Greater Longview United Way
INFOline of Gregg County
2-1-1 East Texas or United Way of Smith County